Pruyn Hill Water Project Update

Water Project Update
Yesterday, the Town met with the contractor, Luizzi Brothers, for a pre-construction meeting.  
The update is as follows:
Starting mid next week, construction work will begin.  The first part of the work to be done will be saw cutting of roads and location of flags/markers.   Please DO NOT remove any flags that are placed on your lawn as they are used to locate gas lines, etc.   They will be removed by the contractors themselves. 
Next week, you may also see the water pipes being delivered in your front yards.
Beginning the week of August 21st,  the first installation of water line will begin with Dewey Avenue.   The pipe will be installed along Dewey Avenue.  After it is installed, it will be tested, chlorinated and after obtaining Department of Health Approval, residents of Dewey Avenue will be switched over to the Town of Halfmoon consolidated water district.  Restoration of the disturbed area of your property will also be completed.    Once Dewey Avenue is complete, then the contractors will go street by street until completion. Residents will be switched over to Town of Halfmoon water as soon as we are able.  
The final paving of roads will be done as soon as the Town Highway Department is able to schedule the paving to be done with our paving contractor.   It is expected that paving will occur in increments of a few roads at a time, but again, the exact timeline will be dependent on the paving contractor's ability to pave.
By September 1st,  the contractor expects to increase from 1 crew to 2 crews in an effort to get the project done quicker.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or by phone at 371-7410 X 2200.
Please share this with your neighbors.
Thank you and have a good weekend. 
Kevin J. Tollisen
Town Supervisor