Zim Smith Trail Walk & Picnic In The Park

Saturday June 4th, 10:30am-noon

Zim Smith Trail Head - Coons Crossing Road

Arrive at Zim Smith Trail Head on Coons Crossing Rd by 10:30am.  A shuttle will transport participants to the Zim Smith East Trail head on Elizabeth Street Extension to begin walk at 11:00am.  Trail walk is approximately 2.42 miles and should take about an hour to complete.  A free lunch will be provided back at Zim Smith Trail Head around Noon.  Golf-carts will be available for those unable to walk it.

In order to participate please register in the Recreation office or online at halfmoonny.myrec.com

For more information contact Ross MacNeil (518) 371-7410 x2272 or rmacneil@townofhalfmoon.org